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Casey Scholar

Helps students get precise AI answers based on their class slides and readings.

Founded by:

Casey Scholar, the ultimate AI-powered study companion designed to enhance your learning experience like never before. Our platform stays specifically tailored to your class material, including class slides and readings, ensuring that you have the most relevant information at your fingertips. With Casey Scholar, you can: - Generate comprehensive notes for quick and effective review. - Get answers to your questions directly from the context of your class material. - Create customized tests and quizzes to challenge your understanding. - Engage in meaningful discussions that reinforce your knowledge. Experience a new way of studying that adapts to your needs and helps you achieve academic success effortlessly. Casey Scholar your personalized study companion, like none other. A tool for Executive MBAs from a team of Executive MBA! For one month of free access reach out to: Nick Yu -> Suraj Kashyap ->

Tasks it helps with

Answer student queries based on course materials
Sync with course content
Track academic progress

Overall Web Sentiment

Mixed Reviews

Time to value


Who is it for?

Student, Educator



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